The A2EP Innovation Network meets "virtually" every second month for a webinar. Australian and international speakers discuss developments in technologies and business models that improve the energy productivity of businesses. Presentation topics include feasibility and implementation case studies, briefings by suppliers of innovative technologies, updates on current A2EP projects and government programs that support the uptake of innovative solutions in Australian businesses.
The technology focus for our Innovation Network meeting on 15 October 2020 was metering and measurement - what do you need now to measure and act, and what will you need for Industry 4.0? We were joined by a number of industry experts who shared their insights.
You can watch the recording of this online meeting below and view the slides from our presenters below.
Our Energy Innovation Network is open to all. Click here to join the Network and receive invitations to future briefings.
View the presentation slides:
Speakers for this event:

Chris Warris
Principal Energy Consultant, Northmore Gordon
Chris Warris has nearly 20 years experience working in a variety of roles across different industries. He has worked on a range of energy and carbon management projects including energy audits of manufacturing facilities, food processing facilities, commercial office buildings, hospitals and aged care facilities under the NSW OEH Energy Saver Program; energy simulation modelling for BCA and NABERS Energy assessments; energy audits of large industrial plants and food processing facilities for the Energy Efficiency Opportunity Program; and Energy Management Program implementation.

Fadi Geha
Founder and Executive Director, Simble
Fadi is an engineer with more than 25 years’ experience in enterprise software sales, consulting, and IT mergers and acquisitions, including senior management roles with SAP Australia and Accenture. He founded Acresta (now Simble), served as CEO from 2009 to 2019 and continues to serve as Executive Director of Simble. Simble supplies smart and nimble software as a service (SaaS) technology solutions to help businesses identify energy saving opportunities across their operations.

Iain Stewart
Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer, Exergenics
Iain is the cofounder of Exergenics, a software company dedicated to improving the efficiency and sustainability of commercial cooling systems.
He started his career energy modelling for Conservia, focusing on building energy efficiency, performing energy audits and Energy Performance Contracts (EPCs) across a diverse range of commercial buildings. Iain later worked at ClimateWorks Australia developing energy and emission modelling tools to help businesses and governments understand and prepare for the transition to net zero emissions.

James Rong
Operational Offer Manager, Schneider Electric
James holds master’s degree in Engineering Studies and joined Schneider Electric in 2007 as a graduate application engineer in Energy Management Solutions (EMS) team. As a candidate of Schneider’s Marco Polo graduate program, James was trained and worked at Square D company in US for 18 months, and then relocated back to the project team in Schneider Electric Australia in late 2009 where he was involved with energy management system projects design and commissioning before becoming the offer manager of Power Solutions role in the Marketing team in 2017.

Gareth Mann
Managing Director, MTA Energy Pty Ltd
Gareth has extensive international business, market, project development, financing, engineering, operations and asset management experience of large scale infrastructure, power and energy projects. MTA Energy is an integrated energy services and energy supply company, focused on the medium-sized commercial/industrial sector providing a single integrated service which combines energy efficiency technologies (including load control, monitoring and reporting via IoT devices), with distributed energy resource technologies (solar PV and storage) coupled with an ‘in front of meter” retail solution.

Kevin Joyce Director, Energy and Thermal Services
Kevin has more than 42 years Australian and international experience in the energy industry holding senior executive positions in Gas & Fuel and Origin Energy and providing energy management, sales, and marketing services. His experience includes commercial and industrial energy consulting and energy project implementation in Australia and internationally. Other roles have included energy marketing, strategy and pricing development for large contestable gas and electricity customers, retail management of large gas and electricity customers and deregulation of the Victorian gas industry.
Hugh McCallum
Process Engineer, Koppers