Thursday 23 June
A2EP has been engaged by the Victorian Department of Energy, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) to deliver webinars and technical guidelines to assist in industry capacity building for the new Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) Commercial and Industrial Air-sourced Heat Pump Water Heater (HPWH) activity. The technical guidelines will be read by hundreds of end users and energy consultants that are investigating and potentially investing in heat pump technology.
In A2EP's first webinar for this work, Heat Pumps and the VEU: An Introduction to Design Considerations', our speakers introduced the basics of heat pump operation, their potential uses, and the design considerations (including the barriers and issues that can be experienced) when installing a heat pump system. An introduction to the VEU process and the air-sourced HPHW activity was also discussed.
This webinar was hosted in with support from the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Jack Brown (Manager, Energy Efficiency Technologies, DELWP) delivered some opening remarks to start the discussion.
In a follow-up webinar in July, C & I Air-sourced HPWH applications in agriculture (dairy specifically mentioned), swimming pools, and multi-unit residential will be discussed.

Jarrod Leak
CEO - Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity

Alan Pears
A2EP/Senior Industrial Fellow - RMIT

Ahmad Mojiri
Senior Research Fellow - RMIT

Alastair McDowell
Director EnergyAE

In partnership with Victorian DELWP