The RACE for 2030 researchers need to hear from you. What will be the energy needs of your business and sector in the future - and what are the obstacles that need to be overcome?
Over the coming months we will be sharing surveys from the researchers. The insights from these surveys direct recommended focus areas for R&D, support and action. Don't let your sector miss out.
Please complete the surveys relevant to your business, sector and field and share them with your colleagues.
B3 - Electrification and renewables to displace fossil fuel process heating
The electrification of process heat technologies that currently rely on fossil fuel processes is an important part of our journey to reducing carbon emissions. This survey seeks to map in finer detail than previous work, the current process heat technologies, practices and needs of Australian companies, at a company level.
We will then use this information to assist in the development of an industry roadmap for the decarbonisation of process heat in Australia, with a focus on actions that could be implemented in the period 2020 – 2030.
To complete the survey click on the link which best describes the processes your organisation undertakes:
If you don’t see your process there or would like further information about the survey please contact Laura Harkins-Small.
B4 - Flexible demand and demand control technology and development
Is your business a medium-to-large user of electricity? The RACE researchers want to better understand the current state of play around the adoption of demand management or flexible demand. We are also hoping to find out a little more about what the barriers and opportunities are to adoption.
If you are an electricity end-user we would really appreciate you taking three minutes to complete the following survey. If you are not an end-user yourself but know some people who are, please feel free to share the survey link with them.
Click here to complete the Flexible Demand survey.