In 2023, A2EP has established the Australian Heat Pump Roundtable bringing together industry leaders and government representatives to identify and discuss ideas for accelerating the transition to heat pumps in Australia's commercial and industrial sectors - as well as the obstacles that need to be overcome.
The first meeting of the Roundtable was held in Sydney on 26 July and featured representatives from five different government agencies, industry associations for commercial and industrial sectors, four different research organisations, energy suppliers, finance, OEMs, consultants, contractors and finally end users across a broad spectrum of commercial and industrial sectors.

The future direction for heating in Australia and globally is clear, with heat pumps the technology of choice for most heating requirements below 100°C. In Australia, the heat pump (and MVR) potential is around 65 PJ of heating for the commercial and industrial space. The technology is proven and available here. If you factor in emerging heat pump technologies, the potential for efficient, decarbonised heat goes significantly beyond 65 PJ.
While the direction for decarbonising heat is clear, the path and timing of this transition is not so clear. Many organisations have the right ambitions and intent, but the transition to heat pump technologies can be delayed or obstructed by issues such as resources, economics, energy supply contracts, technology selection and various project constraints. I know from my 20 years’ experience working with technology conversion that such changes can take around 10 years, even when there are clear economic reasons for change.
Without industry-wide co-ordination, the transition for industrial heat will be longer and harder, all while our CO2 emission targets get harder to achieve. This Australian Heat Pump Roundtable has representation from a broad cross section of stakeholders who we hope are ready to kick off some radical collaboration to fast-track the transition.