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A2EP is proud to be a partner of the RACE for 2030 Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) which aims to accelerate the transition to Reliable, Affordable, Clean Energy for 2030.


As an industry partner, we will be leading the engagement of end-users and other organisations across the following RACE for Business work streams:


  • Flexible demand

  • Process heating

  • Value chain optimisation


Together with the forward-thinking businesses we engage in each of the streams, we will conduct opportunity assessments for technologies and approaches to accelerate their take-up in the transition to a decarbonised economy.


Each work stream will involve network meetings (mostly online) and to further conversations and identify obstacles and their solutions. This work will give participating businesses the opportunities to work at the cutting edge of industrial decarbonisation, establish relationships with other organisations in the groups and to shape how energy will be used by industry in the future.


If you are interested in participating, please contact our Stakeholder Engagement Lead, Laura Harkins-Small.




A better understanding of the future energy needs of business and industry - as well as the obstacles and opportunities these present - is essential for the success of the RACE program.


We encourage all our business and industry colleagues involved in energy management to complete the surveys relevant to your business, sector and field to help the RACE researches identify focus areas for R&D, support and action.


Check out the surveys currently open.

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